Advasol Management Limited (ASM) is a UK incorporated environmental Biotech Company, located in London. Founded in 2003, ASM’s business focus is the marketing and sales of its patented Accelerated Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion technology (ATAD), which converts organic waste materials into commercially viable commodities such as granular fertiliser, animal feed and pure energy.


The revolutionary breakthrough that characterises ASM’s ATAD process is its ability to convert mixed food and agricultural waste streams into non-toxic, stable fertiliser pellets in a period of approximately 3 days.
The capability to recycle different organic wastes in such a short time frame creates unique commercial opportunities. It allows companies and organisations to increase efficiency and cost effectivenes by transforming organic waste into a valuable end product that they can either sell or utilise in their place of business.

Solving commercial problems

If you are generating biodegradable waste and have seen the cost of disposal rise (often in double digits) year after year, act now to find a highly cost-effective alternative to landfill disposal and waterways pollution, as well as seriously reducing your carbon footprint.

Our Passion

Passionate about the environment and about the products we make to protect it. We take great pride in our products, which have been scientifically designed and built from scratch, using only the strongest materials and components. All our systems are designed and manufactured with a level of workmanship that is second to none, all under our control in the UK.

Quality Assurance

We assure you that we stand directly accountable for every product we manufacture, and are confident you will be impressed by the solution we will offer. By working with us, we promise the best practical and personal support to successfully change your business into an ecologically sound practice. Our solutions have been proven to reduce carbon emissions by up to 80% and help in the fight against dangerous greenhouse gasses which are released as a result of traditional waste management methods.

Who can benefit

The biggest beneficiaries of our ‘ecoHERO’ systems are operating in the following sectors: Agriculture and Farming. Commercial Kitchens .Restaurants, Airlines, Hotels, Cruise Ships and Resorts. Supermarkets and Shopping Complexes. Universities, Colleges, Schools and Institutions. Vegetable and Fruit Growers and Wholesalers. Mining and Fishing Industries. Food (including all meats) Processing. Food (including all meats) Manufacturers. Zoos and Leisure Complexes. Abattoirs. Local Municipalities. Sewage, Digestate and Sludge Treatment Facilities.


We offer you the opportunity and the tools to transform your waste into a commodity

ecoHERO aerobic digester

ecoHERO fertilizer plant

ecoHERO onsite composter

ecoHERO aerobic digester

ecoDRYER digestate dryer

ecoDRYER onsite digestate dryer

ecoREDUCER modern compactor

ecoREDUCER modern compactor