
Benefit from the immediate use of our equipment over an agreed term, while repaying the costs in instalments, at your convenience.


Rent our equipment for an agreed term. A number of options available at the end of the rental term, whether to continue renting or return or purchase at a competitive price.

Equity Finance

For large value project, we work with asset funding companies to offer you design, build, operate and maintain solution. We work with our client to find suitable fund for small fee.


We offer you the opportunity and the tools to transform your waste into a commodity

ecoHERO aerobic digester

ecoHERO fertilizer plant

ecoHERO onsite composter

ecoHERO aerobic digester

ecoDRYER digestate dryer

ecoDRYER onsite digestate dryer

ecoREDUCER modern compactor

ecoREDUCER modern compactor